Monday, March 21, 2016

Salt and Sugar scrub: Mentoring in the kitchen

I love salt and sugar scrubs so much that my family is complaining. They would like to actually have some salt for their pasta and sugar for their tea. Ah, me! I just love it! But it really only keeps for a few weeks so I have to keep inviting people over to make and take.

This week's crew? My awesome Jane & Tea club girls! We get together every Sunday night to watch a Jane Austin inspired movie. We drink tea and do a craft and then watch our movie.

They are almost here. I can't wait for you to meet these awesome girls. I'll be back to introduce you.

Here they are! Last weeks craft was reclaimed wood signs.

I especially love the one with a house that says REFUGE. I'd like to think my home is that to these girls. They are smart, beautiful and attend the local Christian college. However, many of them are Missionary Kids who's families live in places like Ukraine, Indonesia, Japan and Germany. So, I guess thinking of my home as a refuge makes me happy.

Tonight we had six lovely ladies for Jane & Tea. So I gave each one a bowl to mix up their own scrub in.  They chose either a salt scrub or a sugar scrub. 

This darling gal will be graduating this year! It's been a joy getting to know her. I'm certain God will use her greatly wherever she goes. 

I provided colorant as well as fragrances for the girls to work with. They also had the option to add real lavender or flax seed as additional exfoliants.

So I'll share the steps as we go. The official recipes are at the bottom of this post, However, I would encourage to read our steps as we found some surprises along the way.

Step One:

Combine one cup of salt with 1/2 cup of Coconut oil
or: 1/2 cup sugar with 1/2 cup Coconut oil

Here's what we discovered: Though everyone followed step one perfectly, not everyone got the same consistency with their scrub. We didn't know if it had to do with the type of conatiners we chose. ie. metal vs. glasss. So, here's a helpful hint:  Always start with less oil than suggested and add until you have a consistency like damp sand.

Step Two:

Choose your colorant.  I had official soap colorant as well as food coloring on hand. Though food coloring is not recommended, we found it to be just as good as the other.

Hint: If you are working on creating a color from primary colors first combine them in tablespoon and mix. When you think you have what you want, add it to your scrub.

I was loving the fact that this gal's finger nails matched the color of her scrub! 

Step Three:

choose your fragrance. This may seem straight forward but we did discover a few things along the way.
- orange frangrance combined with a small bit of vanilla fragrance smells like an orange creamsicle when added to sugar scrub. WARNING: it smells like Goo Gone when added to salt scrub!
- Vanilla extract does not give you a strong enough fragrance as it's more of a flavor so avoid using it if you can.
- peppermint is a very strong fragrance and is wonderful as a salt scrub. WARNING: Peppermint stings the eyes do not use it on your face.

Step Four:

Mix everything together. We ended up using our hands and mixing for at least ten to fifteen minutes to be sure our color, fragrance and oil were thoroughly combined.

Step Five:

Label: I printed out basic labels (Free download below) I then had everyone write the name of their fragrance on the label.

Step Six: Divide scrub into containers.

If you are doing this as a group project, I recommend using zip lock snack size bags as your containers. This way you can make about five - six bags of each scrub. Everyone was able to take at least one of each scrub home.

This was such a fun project it was nine p.m. before we started our movie!

DIY is great but using it to provide "together" experiences for college girls has been so amazing. I feel like a cup of tea and a craft project and fun movie provide a place that is more like home and more like refuge for these awesome girls.  I hope you will take this idea and use it to encourage and bless someone in your life.

Here's the recipes:

Salt scrub

1 cup salt
1/2 cup coconut oil
5 drops colorant
5-8 drops fragrance 

Follow steps above

Sugar scrub

1/2 cup sugar
1/2 cup coconut oil
5 drops colorant
3-8 drops fragrance

Follow steps above

Free label download:

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