2 Timothy Study

Let's Study 2 Timothy


Day Five:

So the school year is in full swing. That means all the church ministries are also back on track. Are you doing okay? I hope so. I know it's tough to get used to our busy schedules again. I keep reminding myself that summer is just that. Summer. Now it's time to get back to work! Somehow that little pep talk seems to work on me. That and another cup of tea!  

I hope you are prepared to be encouraged today! Get your bibles and your day four homework out and let's see what Paul has to teach us about the Gospel.

If you made your list of everything 2 Timothy has to say about the Gospel, you know it's enough to fill a page. More if you write big like me.  The question I asked you to consider last week is this: 

Are you willing? 

Are you willing to do whatever it takes to Guard the Gospel? 

Will you suffer hardship? 

Will you endure? 

Will you retain the standard of sound words? 

Will you pass on these words to faithful ones who will in turn teach others?  

You know God will stand with you. He will give you the wisdom, authority and power to teach others. 

That's my youngest who is obssesed with super heroes!

 "Ah," you say, "but, I am not a teacher."

Yes, you are?

 By your very life you are a walking testimony of God's goodness and faithfulness.

You may not stand before others with the Word of God in your hand, but you do walk before others with the Word of God in you heart.  Do you know what it says? Do you know how to speak in regards to it's treasure? If not, I encourage you to continue in studying it's pages. Don't give up. God will reveal it's riches to you. He delights in your determination to know Him.  Here's my doodles regarding the Gospel. I'm sorry, it's a bit blurry. But, I hope you will be encouraged just the same to say with me,  

"Yes Lord, I am willing!"

The doodles are taking a long time to load today. I'll have them up tomorrow.

That's it for our 2 Timothy study for now. If you are eager for more, I suggest going to www.precepts.org and looking under 2 Timothy study.  I am about to start Beth Moore's study in Thessalonians called Children of the Day. If you'd like to join me, I will be posting similar bits of homework for you on this blog under another tab. 
Blessings! -Joleen

Day Four:

Well, I hope you had a wonderful time in 2 Timothy this week. I just want to be sure you all know that I am finding most of my questions and directions from my awesome NASB precepts study bible. I am so grateful for it. I've been able to study the word of God on my own for years now. 

Don't get me wrong, I love all the book studies and great video teachers out there. But, there's just something about being able to open the Word all on my own and know how to study it. I hope this short time together is helping you find some new skills and encouragement. 

Here's a link that has a great video about the inductive study bible.

  inductive study bible

I'm about to post the doodles regarding the provisions of God. I hope you found them all! It was so encouraging to me personally. 

 I'll be back in a minute. In the meantime. Get your homework out and get ready to dig in with me!

So, we're about to wrap this little study up. Here's one last assignment.  This time when you read mark the word Gospel with a colored pencil. Then mark any verbs or commands related to the word Gospel. Now on a piece of paper write down everything Paul says about what his or Timothy's responsibility is towards the Gospel.

When you are done, look at your list and ask yourself if you are willing to take responsibility for the Gospel in this way.  Are you comitted to studying the word of God and listening to His voice? Or do you merely repeat what you have heard others say?
 What are you willing to do to see the women in your circle of influence come to know Christ and be equipped for every good work? 

You and I must be prepared to stand and defend the Word of God. The only way to do this is to Dig into the word faithfully, Assume the posture of prayer daily, and rely on the Holy Spirit completely. 

Will you do this with me? Let's proceed together. 

-Under the same wing,

Day Three:

I Hope you found pages and pages of stuff to write down regarding Paul's commands to Timothy. Here's what just one of my pages looked like:

Don't be afraid to write a lot when you study. I find this helps me to hide the word in my heart and also prepares me for my doodles! The doodles are what really make the important stuff stick.  In my doodles today. you'll notice I don't doodle every single command found in 2 Timothy. Hopefully you wrote them or underlined them all yourself. I know I filled about three pages myself. So here's my doodles of what I discovered so far!

So now we're going to look at two things in this book. Get out your ringed notebook and open it  On the left side of the page write the words, Paul's Commands. On the right side of the page write the words. God' provision. Draw a line down the middle.  Go through all four chapters again. Write down everything you can find regarding these two statements.  When you are done, I want you to meditate on the words you've written. Ask God to show you how his provision has shown up in your life. Thank Him for all He has done for you. 

Day Two:

Before we get started let's make some tea. I'm in the mood for peppermint tea. Here's how I make it.


So today we are going to look at who Timothy is and what Paul has to say to him. Get out your bible and two colored pencils.  Everywhere you see Timothy's name or the pronoun (you), circle it.  Now don't run ahead. I want you to really look at who Timothy is and What Paul tells him to do in Chapter one. Here's my doodles today to get you started.  This is powerful stuff! I hope you'll study it out thoroughly today. 

Oops, Timothy's Mother's name was Eunice not Lois like his Grandmother. They must have been amazing women for Paul to mention them. 

NOW you can move on to searching out all the commands Paul gives Timothy. Make a list of them in your notebook. Pay Particular attention to any commands that involve those three words..power, love, discipline. 

May you blessed as you study!
-Under the same wing, Joleen

Day 1:

You are about to see how Paul felt about his circumstances and those involved in his life.  I encourage you to pray before you read on. 

I'm so thrilled you are here. 

If you want more come join me over on FB.  It's a great place for you to be heard and encouraged on your journey.
Our secret FB page has personal video messages from me to you. 

However, you can still find helpful downloads and tips videos on this page. 

So here's the first assignment. 

All of my study of the word is Inductive in nature. I love Precepts and have led many classes. I am using the precepts NASB bible.  Mine is getting tattered and worn, but I just can't replace it. It's like a dear sweet friend to me now. 

I also am a doodler. Don't sit behind me in church! You'll think I'm not paying attention. Doodling, helps me think. I often draw pictures related to what I am hearing. Here's a little video of my doodles.  Be sure to use your bibles to answer the questions for yourself as well.  

Welcome Video!

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