Friday, November 14, 2014

Power, Love & A Sound Mind

God is always teaching me. Sometimes, I think, "God, could you teach someone else for awhile?" But, he seems  certain my lessons are important.

So, I learn.

Well, sometimes I rebel and refuse to learn. Maybe that's why I need such a patient teacher.

Lately, I'm wading through some physical issues that are bringing physical pain and emotional turmoil.  The pain is keeping me from all the things I love most. Including this blog. But more importantly, my family and my church.  I've not been able to sit in church for three weeks due to pain.

Lest you worry this is going to be a post about my issues, I'll stop right here to say. NOPE, it's about you! Well, me and you.  We both have pain. Your pain may be much worse than mine. It may be less. Regardless pain is pain.

Here's what I know so far about pain:

#1. Just when we think we can't take it anymore, He's there and then we can.

Psalm 23:4 speaks best to this. Even when we are walking through a valley filled with death. The death of a dream, the death of a loved one, the death of a marriage, He is there. His rod and His staff, they comfort us.

I felt this recently as I lay in an MRI tube, my body filled with pain. The instruction was to lie very still. My mind and my body were at war with the very idea of remaining still in this claustrophobic tube. So, I called on the teacher and He came. He comforted me, he helped me endure the pain. He will help you too. Do you think you can't take it anymore? He's with you. You can endure this.

#2. His voice can often be heard clearest when I am at my lowest.

Oh to hear his voice and know his arms are around me. That is comfort. My lowest, most desperate moments seem to happen at night. I can hear the steady breathing of my children and husband as I lay staring at the ceiling hurting.

Then, I hear Him.

He doesn't speak in words but I hear Him just the same and I know I am not alone. I know He sees me and He loves me and I don't have to be strong. I can release my tears and let my heart flow out to him.

#3.Do not waste the joy of today with fear for tomorrow.

Are you waiting for something?
Are you worried it will be bad news?
Are you afraid?

Yeah, me too. But, it is not God's will for us to live in the limbo of fear and worry. So, how on earth do we stop wasting today for fear of tomorrow?  By embracing whatever, God has in front of us today.

Today, I can lie here and worship the Lord.
Today, I can love my family and seek to embrace them with my actions and words
Today, I can do whatever work I am able to do and then lie down again and thank God for it.

Embrace today and trust Jesus for what you can not see on the other side of your midnight. When it comes you may find it's just another today filled with possibilities.

#4.  God has given us a spirit of power, love and a strong mind.

2 Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear. Fear is not from God. Fear says, our future is uncertain. God says, our future is secure. God has given us the power to reject the lies.

My kids commented the other day that I seem to say the name of Jesus randomly. I told them, it's because I'm practicing turning my thoughts and my will over to Him. When I think a fearful, helpless thought, I breathe the name of Jesus as a way of rejecting the spirit of fear and claiming the power, strength and sound mind God has given me.

So pain is pain. It's there. We live with it. But we do not need to let it rob us of the opportunities God has for us.  Whatever your level of pain. Will you join me in claiming power, love and a sound mind?
Will you listen for God's voice with me?  Right now?

Here in this small moment of silence.


Under the same wing,

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