Monday, April 4, 2016


I am completely obsessed with barn wood.

It's texture, It's history. It's smell. 

I love it! When my brother in law and his wife told me they had some barn wood for me to look at I was excited. But you see this face below? Yeah, that's me freaking out!

They had an entire barn full or reclaimed wood from an old shed my BIL had torn down. They told me to take my pick! 
So I chose a few small pieces which I will turn into something to lovely to show you at a later date.

The excitement didn't end there. My SIL, Mary,  helped me scour the barn for old pieces of this and that for a sign I am going to make for their farm.  

Here's a picture of all the items Mary and I found. When I have the sign assembled, I'll post a DIY describing exactly how I made it. 

For now, let's just say, my barn wood surprise is not over yet.  I'll be back after I scour Pintrest for more great ideas for my reclaimed barn wood. 

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