NOTE:This is the first 15 days of our study. The second half can be found at:
-Under the same wing,
and HERE:
You may decide to order the book: It's just 9.99. Mine came within about 5 days. Order the book here:
So on this first day of our time together, I want to encourage you to spend a few minutes in prayer. Quiet your heart and ask our Lord to fill you with his presence.
Lord, we come to you as your beautiful vessels. Fill us up with your warmth and love. May we hear your heart as we study today, Amen.
Open your bible to the book of Philippians. Read all four chapters.
Now, If you have colored pencils, I encourage you to get them out.
Go back to chapter one and underline Paul and Timothy with the same color. Then do the same for any pronouns or references to them in chapter one. Things like I, me, we,
Who is Paul talking to? Use a different color to mark the recipients. Only do this for chapter one.
Now go back and mark the word imprisonment with a chain symbol.
How does Paul feel about his imprisonment. Write down exactly what he says about it.
In our book from Precepts for Life, Kay asks the question: Have you ever felt imprisoned by your circumstances? How did you respond?
Spend some time in prayer and lay that circumstance at the feet of Christ. Ask Him once more to fill you with his presence. Share your hurt with him and allow him to respond to you by being quiet and listening.
That's it! Day one: Here's my doodles to encourage you to think again about all you've just read:
In Philippians chapter one we find Paul telling the Philippians that he feels thankful, joyful and confident. Open your bible or use the free downloads at the bottom of this page. Read chapter one and color in each word that describes Paul's attitude. Then go back and find all the words that reveal Paul's actions. Here's a little teaser to get you started:
Now look closely at verses 12-14 for the results of Paul's attitudes and actions. What has happened?
use your colored pencils to mark each result. In the margin of your bible or worksheet you might even make a list.
How about you? What do your attitudes and actions look like during difficult circumstances?
What does the result look like?
I can tell you the results of my poor attitudes and bad behavior are not pretty. Oh, to develop a thankful, joyful, confident attitude that holds fast to the earnest expectations and hopes of God's good will.
Spend time in prayer submitting your attitudes to the Lord and asking him what he would have you do. Then be willing to walk in obedience to what he calls you to. Here's my doodles to encourage you today:
This days homework really hit me hard, so prepare yourself!
Open your bible to the first chapter of Philippians and start looking for all the references to prayer. I love how the precepts guide says to mark prayer like a cup or a vessel. Remind you of something? Me too! That beautiful tea cup of mine. I referenced it in our private FB page and the post here on the blog titled, Is your cup empty?
Now go back to verse one and circle the words Bond Servant or Servant. The question before us is this: What marks Paul as a follower of Christ? To answer this look for the 2 reasons Paul was imprisoned. Hint: Gospel references.
So if you saw that Paul was in prison for the defense and confirmation of the Gospel and that he seems to always be praying for others and for the Gospel to be advanced. Then you know what marks him.
Are you marked for and by Christ?
Do people know?
What behaviors, actions or attitudes make it obvious?
I fear there are times when this next one is more like us...
If we are marked by Christ then our behaviors should reveal our allegiance. I fail just as often as you. But, it is not our failure that marks us. It is how we react to failure and pain and hurt that alerts others of who we belong to. So, I challenge you dear PW. Today will you listen for His call? Will you follow where He goes? Will you bear fruit for him and not hoard it for yourself?
Oh Lord, how we need to hear your voice today. We know we are marked by you for life. We know there is nothing that can separate us from your love. Thank you for that. Father, we bow our knee in your presence and ask for courage and strength and strong minds. May we hear your voice and obey it. May we be pleasing to you in all our words, behaviors and attitudes today. Amen.
Post:Marked for life:
"Our lives should be like a pot of tea, constantly being poured out for the benefit of others."
Does your love abound? Is it increasing, growing and even overflowing into the lives of others. If you are coming here tired and in need of encouragement. Stay. I know it's tough to hear about being poured out when your vessel is empty. I hope today's study will encourage you and you will allow God to fill you once again.
Open your bible to Philippians chapter one and make a list of Paul's emotions. You'll find a few in verses 4,6,8. Do you see how his love for the Philippians is more than a mere ministry obligation? Vs. 8 says he is longing for them with affection. Wow! they are more than sheep to coral and feed. They are in His heart!
Let's dig in to see what Paul really wants for these people he loves so much. Write out verses 9-11. You will find writing these verses helps you to really see what is there!
Okay. so what does Paul want?
Put a box around the phrase, "I pray that your love may abound"
Put a heart over or around the word love and color it in yellow.
What is their love to be marked by?
Underline the words "real knowledge and all discernment."
If you've downloaded the precepts study at the bottom of this page you'll see there are some great cross references to tell us who gives this real knowledge and discernment.
2 Peter 1:2-4
Ephesians 4:13
Oh yes, and let's not forget 1 Corinthians 13:1 Without love our own knowledge is like a noisy gong or a clashing cymbal.
So here's the kicker! WHY? Why should we love till we overflow? Why should we be filled with the knowledge and discernment given to us by Christ?
Read Verse 10 and highlight those two important words - SO THAT.
So that what? Make a list of what you see.
Now sit back and ask the Lord to fill you.
Here's my doodles for today:
Are you discouraged by your circumstances right now? Are you wondering if all the things you do for others and God is even worth it? I encourage you to follow along in our study of Philippians. You will discover how Paul kept looking forward with eyes of faith.
First, It's tea time! Get yourself a warm cup of coffee or tea and settle in here with me. You'll need your bible and a pencil as well.
Okay, are you ready? Open your bible to the book of Philippians chapter one.
Look at verse eleven. What does Paul want the Philippians to be filled with?
What is this? How does it reveal itself in your life? If you want to use the cross-references in the free downloads at the bottom of this page they will help you discover for yourself what the word of God says about the fruit of righteousness.
So Paul is in some dire circumstances. Prison is never a good place to be. But look at 1:12 what happened as result of Paul's imprisonment?
When you are in a bad place or dire circumstance is it likely the Gospel will be advanced as a result of YOUR attitude and behaviors? I must admit, I'm not sure of that myself. I tend to get very grouchy when people or circumstances treat me badly.
Yet, look at this guy! Paul's life had an IMPACT on those around him. Because of him people were saved and lives transformed! Wow! what would it look like to be that kind of Christian?
Here's a few verses to spend some time meditating on:
Romans 4:18 and on - Check out these words about Abraham, "In hope against hope he believed."
I Corinthians 15: 1-4 - Do you believe in vain or do you hold fast to the truth you have heard and believed?"
I could get preaching here but honestly, I'm just needing time to look at my own heart in this matter. Let's stop and pray and ask God to fill us with the fruit of righteousness.
Lord, I'm just in so much need of your presence right now. I see Paul's life and I am ashamed of how I grouse and complain about my circumstances. Oh, Lord, forgive me! I reject my fleshly attitudes and ask you to fill me with your spirit. Oh Father enable me to make an IMPACT on the lives of those around me. May my "imprisonment", my circumstances, provide the opportunity to advance the gospel. May I be like Abraham and hope against hope and then hold fast to the truths found in your Word.
I praise you Lord for you are great and mighty! You are the one true God who can change hearts and transform lives and give us joy in the midst of difficulties.
My mother's mom was well known for her chocolate cake and delicious tea. Those invited to Grandma's house were partakers of these yummy treats. Some ladies came weekly to participate in conversation and maybe even a hand of cards. (gasp!)
Here's a picture of Grandmas's tea pot, I'm so happy to own it. I wish it could tell me stories of those wonderful gatherings. But, alas, I must content myself with it's usefulness and beauty.
As we read Philippians today, let's look at what Paul says to the Philippians about their role in the Gospel. Just like my Grandma's tea parties, they are partakers and participants. But for a much higher call than cake!
So read Phlippians chapter one and mark every reference to the Gospel or preaching and to Christ.
Make a list of these references, like this:
v.15 Preach Christ
v. 17 Preach Christ
V. 18 Christ proclaimed
and so on..
So given this we can see Who is central to the Gospel - Christ.
Now go back and mark everything Paul says to the Phillippians about their role in regards to the gospel and preaching and Christ.
v.5 Your participation in the gospel
v.7 Partakers of grace
and so on..
In our study we were asked to cross reference 1 Thessalonians 4:13. Honestly, I didn't know quite what to think of this in regards to our study. It's about not grieving as those who have no hope. But then God led me to another verse in Colossians 1:27-28 Go read both these passages and ponder their significance to Who is central to the Gospel and what our role is as partakers of grace.
Okay, do you see? We have the hope of glory! We have Christ IN us. We have much more than cake and tea to offer a dying world. As partakers and participants we have the opportunity to proclaim Christ and make him known. Do we? Do you? Spend some time in reflection and prayer and let the Holy Spirit be your teacher.
-under the same wing, Joleen
The nice thing about tea cups is their clear purpose. You can look at the two beauties below and say, "Yup, those are tea cups." They don't pretend to be coffee cups or water glasses. Of course you can fill them with those beverages, but they will still remain tea cups. Our study today is titled, Double Lives. Let's get ready to study. I encourage you to sit up to a table with your bible, paper and colored pencils and perhaps.... some tea!
Open your bible to Philippians chapter one! Yes, AGAIN. Isn't it amazing how much we are gleaning from just one chapter of the word of God!
In our download from Precepts we were asked to color every reference to Christ, Jesus, Lord and Holy Spirit. So go ahead and do that now.
Then write down what you've observed. Here's what my list looks like. Yours may be different in appearance or structure, but we are all writing down only what the scripture says.
So here's the question. What do you learn about the key to maintaining a good attitude?
So, Paul doesn't say, "Hey everyone here's the key to joy!"
But he does tell the Philippians a whole lot about his life and theirs as "partakers of grace" vs. 7
So go back and look at your list. Circle or highlight everything that represents a good attitude or action. For example vs 2 "Grace and peace"
Now who is the key to unlocking these attitudes and actions? Highlight his name!
I believe we are able to remain exactly what God redeemed us and made us to be. His children. His vessels. The problem comes when we try to fill ourselves with beverages (attitudes and actions) contrary to what we are. We are like those tea cups, coffee and water just doesn't belong in them. Neither do malice, anger, bitterness, strife, or gossip belong in us.
Take some time and read through your list and thank God for the grace and peace you have in Christ Jesus. Thank God that he will perfect his work in you and that you can be blameless and sincere. Praise him for filling you with the fruit of righteousness.
Repent of any double living you have been doing. Whatever the attitude or action that does not belong in you. Release it to the the Lord and He will help you to be fruitful in the labors placed before you. You are HIS and so am I. Praise to our God and Father who wills and works within us.
-under the same wing,
Well friends, I'm combining our days this week as they are so interconnected. If you've downloaded the homework from the bottom of this page, you'll see what I mean. If you are just using your bible then open it to Philippians and let's take a look at Chapter one verses 21-26
But first, I need some coffee today! COFEE not TEA? I know shocking isn't it. It just feels like a latte sort of day though. Get your hot beverage and your bible and come back and join me.
Okay! So In verses 21-26 Paul is in a bit of a quandary. He says to Die is Gain but to Live is Christ. Underline both of these statements each in a different color. Now go through carefully and use those same colors to circle everything that is good about dying and every reason Paul wants to remain.
Wow, when you think about dying verses living what reasons would you give? I'd probably say, let me live so I can see my grand babies come into the world (Hopefully a few years away, but I still can't wait!)
But Paul says he'd choose to remain for much higher reasons. What are they? Make a list of them in the column of your bible.
Okay now let's jump ahead for a minute to Chapter two. Yipee! it only took us eight days to get there. Look at verses 1-3. Paul seems to be transitioning from his statement at the end of chapter one about suffering to encouraging the Philippians to lean on the consolation of Christ.
Then he tells them in verse three to do nothing out of selfish, empty conceit. How does that connect to the things he said in 1:27-30 How were they to conduct themselves?
Do you believe Paul? Do you think to die is gain and to live is Christ? Are you living as one worthy of the gospel of Chirst? 1:27 Are you standing firm with your fellow believers in one mind, one purpose and without any selfish ambition? That's a tall order. aye? (My Canadian is showing)
Here's some doodles to help us process some of this today!
DAY 10
and HERE:
I'm so happy you are here on day 10 of our study in Philippians:Count it all Joy!
So Day 10 is worth soaking in for awhile.
What does it look like to have the mind of Christ? Can we really find all that we need in Him? I believe Philippians 2 has the answers.
Once you've done the homework for day 10 come back to see a few thoughts I had during my own study, below.
First, I realized that having the mind of Christ is difficult if I'm looking to man for the five IF ANY's in chapter one. Did you see those?
I really want all of those things. But, I often seek them from Man not God. How about you?
Imagine if we turned to the one who gives them freely and without prejudice to his children?
Can I set aside my own glory and reputation in order to be of the same mind and attitude of Christ?
This big question hit me pretty hard as I studied. You see, if i'm running after the five IF ANY'S apart from Christ, I'm really looking out for ME not others. Not very attractive is it?
So, this study inspired a bit of bible journaling. I've attached a video and some picts. below. No worries, if you're not the crafty type. Just work through the study of day 10 with pen, paper and a heart to hear God's word.
I'm so glad we are...
Under the same wing!
P.S. My husband apologizes for any strange sounds he may or may not have made during the taping of this video.
DAY 11
As you work through today's lesson keep in mind all the ways Paul says we are, or should be. united in Christ.
Personally, I really needed this day of homework. I'd fallen into a ditch of despondency. In that ditch my self talk went something like this, "THEY just don't get it. Why do THEY always make leading so hard for me. If THEY would just stop questioning everything and do what I think is right..."
Pastor's wives, BEWARE this ditch. Once you fall in it's tough to get out. The weeds of self righteousness, frustration and distrust can choke you and leave you with a bitter taste in your mouth. Worse, this ditch can render you ineffective as a leader.
Okay, so what does Day 11 have to do with this? As you study, I'd like to add to your thought process by asking you to write out the verses that have the words, ALL, TOGETHER and WE in them. Ask yourself what Paul says about what we are all part of and what we ought to be doing together.
Here's some thoughts I found as I worked.
ONE correction from the video: we are PARTICIPANTS in the Gospel.
So, does this information change the way you think of those in your congregation that bug you? It should. If we are ONE and we are TOGETHER, then THEY ARE YOUR BROTHER OR SISTER IN CHRIST.
You have the opportunity to get out of the ditch. Climb out and ask God to forgive your bitter, selfish or angry attitudes. He can help you to look at the people around you with new eyes. This is what it means to "work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
Oh Lord, we are full of ourselves and in need of your forgiveness. Help us to love unconditionally and to serve your people with joy. Thank you that you are the restorer of our Joy and the example of the greatest love we've ever known.
Day 12 No MORE GRUMBLING? "I don't think that's even possible!"Well, the Word of God seems to say otherwise. Let's look into the Word together. Get out your Bible and your Precepts for life study (links below).
Did you see what Paul said? "Do all things without complaining or grumbling." Philippians 2:14
I was struck by the WHY and the HOW that follows this dramatic statement. Before you watch the doodles video, be sure you've spent time pondering Philippians 2:13-18
Here's a picture I saw as I studied:We are walking through a dark cave with "darkness dwellers". The dwellers are grumbling and complaining as they shuffle along. We secretly wish to shine the lights we are hiding beneath our jackets. Yet, previous experience tells us the darkness dwellers do not care for our kind of light. They shout, "Turn that light out!" Or growl, "Who do you think you are? Stop throwing that light around."So, we blend in. We, who are the light bearers, cower allowing the darkness dwellers to lead on through the murky black. Eventually, we stop thinking about the light we bear and join the procession of grumblers and complainers. They welcome us with lopsided grins of acceptance and grimy handshakes. "Welcome to the darkness", they whisper. "We hope you'll stay for a very long time."
Alarming isn't it? Here's my doodles for today.
Prayer: Oh Lord, help us choose to share our joy not our complaints. We fix our eyes on Jesus. Forgive us for stumbling along and blending in. Strengthen us to do your will and to work out our salvation so that we may prove to the darkness dwellers that we are children of God. AmenBlessings to you all! I'm so glad we are ...
... under the same wing.- Joleen
Day 13 Being Like Christ
No doodles today as I'm recovering from a minor surgery. However, If you get out a piece of paper and open your bible and lesson book, I'd like to help us work out this lesson. There's something so helpful in this lesson that we don't want to miss.
"The caterpillar doesn't know what it will become it simply curls up inside a cocoon and God causes a miracle to happen."
This statement was at the beginning of our lesson. Though I agree it is God who does the transforming and we are completely reliant on His power and grace for anything we become. I want you to read
1 Corinthians 15:10
"But whatever I am now, it is all because God poured out his special favor on me - and not without results. For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace."
Paul acknowledges God's special favor while at the same time declaring his obedience to work hard. Something to think about? Yes, I think so.
Your study had you asking the question; What do I need to change in order to be more like Christ? I'd like to challenge us to look at Timothy's example. So on your piece of paper. Write out out the characteristics of Timothy that most stand out to you.
I was struck by five Christ like qualities.
Let's go back to Philippians 2: 17-24
Make a list of the commands you see in these verses:
According to what we've discovered do you think being like Christ is a passive experience?
Let's go back to Timothy's example: Ask yourself if you see those five Christ like qualities in your own life. Are there any that need a little work? I'll admit I need Christ's help for all of them. So, what am I going to DO? Just hang around wishing like the caterpillar to be turned into a butterfly?
NOPE. I'm going to
Work hard
Do everything without complaining
Live a clean life
Hold firmly to the Word of life
Let's pray:
Father God, I am so glad that you have transformed me. Father, give me a heart that genuinely cares for people. I want to be proven faithful and to be the kind of person that cheers others on and up. Empower me, strengthen me and spur me on to be like Jesus. Amen
-Under the same wing,
My Son Jon and his girlfriend love to get their gains! They are enthusiastically committed to the gains they get from weight lifting, healthy food choices and great life choices.
Oh my goodness I have to do a video today as I have so much to say about this lesson, I can't possibly write it all down. For now, I want you to go back through your homework and see if you can highlight everything Paul has to say about what we GAIN in Christ and what the VALUE of knowing Christ is. I'll be back in a bit with some more good stuff for you! But, honestly, my whole day just improved because of the truth in this study today!
Okay! So happy to say hi to you and find out about our Gains in Christ Jesus.
Can you see it?Those gains are not insignificant! Did you make a list of them? I'm walking around talking about all I have in Christ Jesus. The most important of which is Christ Himself. Wow!
Under the same wing,-Joleen
Can you see it?
Those gains are not insignificant! Did you make a list of them? I'm walking around talking about all I have in Christ Jesus. The most important of which is Christ Himself. Wow!
Under the same wing,
I don't think I fully understood this statement until recently. We adopted a dog of our own. A cutie pie named Molly. She also has a brother, named Jim, whom we "dogsat" for about five days. After five days we lovingly nicknamed them "selfish" and "clueless". Just like Isaiah 56;11 the were intent on their own personal gain and determined to follow their own paths. We are so glad they will be going to doggy school come Monday.
I will admit, I did not care for this day very much. It's okay to think about false teachers as being like dogs who tell clever lies, but question number five in our homework made me very uncomfortable. Here it is.
5. Examine your own life. Are you greedy? Do you sometimes act more like a dog with no control over his appetite than as a child of God re-created in Christ's image, indwelt by His Holy Spirit, and destined to spend eternity with Him?
.... Awkward!
So, instead of doodles or a video today I'm going to ask you to ponder that question. Sometimes we need a little self reflection. As I reflected on this I felt led to repentance in a specific area. I know God loves me and has received my heart felt request to be more like Him.
I'm so glad you and I are
Under the same wing,
NOTE:This is the first 15 days of our study. The second half can be found at:
Visit Pastorswife101's profile on Pinterest.
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