Friday, March 18, 2016

Living a Joyfilled, Pastor's Wife, Life

I'm going to tell you a secret. Some of you already know it.  But here it goes...


I believe it is possible to live a joy filled, pastor's wife life. 

I could give you five ways to success or lay out a strategy for implementation, but It's really not that complicated.
There's really only ONE thing you need to know. 

You are not special. 

OUCH! Sorry.
Of course you are loved and valued and treasured. What I mean to say, is let's not buy into the philosophy that says PW's are somehow living martyrs or singular victims in this fallen world. That is just where the enemy would have us.

When we get to heaven, I'm pretty sure there will not be a special Pastor's wife reception.

 In fact, I'm counting on standing shoulder to shoulder with  you and feeling such solidarity in our love for Christ that PW will no longer be a label for any of us.  I will simply be Joleen, Christ Follower. 

Pastor's wife 101: This would be my first lesson. My first challenge to you. 

Write out what is hard about being a Pastor's wife. Now write out what the blessings are of being a Pastor's wife. 

Try to put your words in their simplest form. See my example below.
Now sit down with a friend who is not a pastor's wife and ask her if she struggles with any of your issues on the left. Ask her if she enjoys some of the blessings on the right? You may be surprised to learn your friend has deeper struggles than you or that she enjoys all the same blessings you do. 

It's time to stop obsessing over our parsonage woes and choose joy. 

So how do we do that?

By recognizing we live in a fallen world with broken people.
By choosing to Thank God for the blessings we enjoy.
By leaning into Jesus and depending on Him alone to meet our deepest needs.
By staying in prayer and The Word
By remembering what Christ has done for us and all the privileges we enjoy as a result of being his children.

OOPS I just gave you five steps. Well if they help that's great.
So, my dearest PW's,
Let us live with joy this life God has given us.
I choose to live a joy filled Pastor's wife life.
How about you?

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