Monday, March 14, 2016

"Poured Out" for Christ. No cup of tea. Or is it?

So there's two kinds of poured out statements in the Bible, "Grace poured out",  and "poured out like a drink offering": 

I much prefer the first but the second brings it's own kind of sweetness.

Grace poured out reminds me of the beautiful aroma of a freshly brewed pot of Red Rose tea. Drinking this tea fills me with warm lovely memories and feelings.  The best thing about Red Rose is the ceramic "toy" inside. I can still feel a childish giggle in my throat every time I open a new box.

Grace poured out is like that: warm, lovely and full of joy!

Just look at these warm, lovely, joy filled verses:
1 Corinthians 15:10 Paul says, "But whatever I am now it is because God poured out his special favor on me. "
Ephesians 1:6 "So, we praise God for his glorious grace he has poured out on us who belong to His dear son."
1 Timothy 1:14 "The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly."

Poured out like a drink offering does not elicit the same warm fuzzies. In fact if you read the old testament this statement is a picture of sacrifice.  References to being poured out often included the death of the creature who did the pouring.

Can we go back to Grace poured out please?

Hold on a minute. Let's look at being poured out a little closer.
Here's what the apostle Paul says,
Philippians 2:17 "But, I will rejoice, even if I loose my life pouring it out like a liquid offering to God."
2 Timothy 4:6 "As for me my life has already been poured out as an offering to God. The time of my death is near."

I want to say something so very important. It's been rattling around in my soul for several days now.  Being poured out brings a lovely warmth and joy that satisfies a deeper purpose in my life. When I choose to put aside my own discomfort, weariness or emotional baggage in order to love, serve and be with others, my heart is enlarged, my hope is sustained and my happiness increases. 

 Working with College girls is a great example of this. I've been at it for a couple of years and events like the one below bring so much joy, even when I'm tired.

Tomorrow, I am scheduled for a surgical proceedure. I've been in pain and discomfort for weeks and weeks.  Yet, yesterday, I hosted two small groups in my home. By seven last evening my body felt completely done in. The Jane and Tea club girls were arriving and I was in the bathroom crying. I could have sent them all home. I probably should have. But, I felt such love and devotion for the cheerful voices downstairs. So, I dried my tears, prayed a quick prayer and went to pour out some love grace and tea. 

Being poured out is intentional. It is the act of giving of ourselves when there is little left to give. I believe it is an act of faith.

As I joined my Jane & Tea girls, I felt renewed strength and joy. We had a lovely evening and I believe several of them truly needed to be in my home last night. The hugs as they left spoke volumes to my heart. 

I love this quote by Lilias Trotter. "There lies before us a beautiful life, One with a passion for giving that shall be poured forth to God but spent out for man." 

How about you? Will you pour forth your life to God by serving and loving those he has placed directly in your path? Don't just enjoy Grace poured out. BE POURED OUT!
You will discover a lovely warmth and sweetness in both.
Under the same wing,

Visit Pastorswife101's profile on Pinterest.

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