Thursday, March 17, 2016

'I don't want to go back to Church!"

"I don't want to go back to Church!" Says the pastor's wife sitting across from me. Tears stream down her face. I hold her hands across the table and pray for wisdom. 

I understand how she is feeling.  I've been there.  Being the wife of a pastor is not easy.

 I sit back and listen to her breaking heart.  It's hard when the silver lining of ministry and all it's glorious ambitions come crashing down. The first time is the hardest.  

By the time we get to desert her tears have dried. 

She grips her coffee cup and exhales the words, "It would be so much easier to just get real jobs." 

"Yes, I think it would." I reply.  

"So, why haven't you guys quit yet?" She leans forward as she asks the question. I know the answer is not exactly what she wants to hear right now.  

I sip my tea slowly and say, "Because God has not given us a spirt of fear, but of strength and power and a sound mind."  2 Timothy 1:7  

No one enters the ministry thinking it will be perfect. But we're still thunderstruck by the many challenges we meet.
PW's are challenged at every level. 

Over the next few minutes I share a few of my own struggles. I am no spiritual giant. I am just like her, only a bit older. I am a bit wiser and a bit stronger.  So I share my strength and hope with her; leaning into the struggle together. 

I tell her, "When ministry weighs on us we must cling to the one who has led us here. He promises to "renew our strength" Isaiah 40:31 and to "refresh our souls." Psalm 23:1-3. "

The rate at which pastors are abandoning the church is alarming. I fear in some part it is for the sake of their wives and family.  

I am a Pastor's wife. I know the temptation to fall on my knees and beg my husband to change career tracks. But ministry is not a career. It is a calling.  I believe I am called to be my husbands wife and he is called to be a pastor.  I can not escape his calling, it is inexplicably wrapped up in who we are as a couple

So instead, I fall to my knees and I beg God to call ME. Call me again. "Oh God, call me to the work you have for me to do! Not simply because of my husbands title, but because I am your child." 

 If you are like my sweet friend: A pastor's wife who is struggling. I encourage you not to give up hope. God has appointed you to be your husbands wife. He will answer you if you cry out to Him. He understands your pain. Won't you let Him strengthen you? 

-Under the same wing,


Visit Pastorswife101's profile on Pinterest.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for pouring out your heart on behalf of other women married to pastors, Joleen. I remember once several decades ago when I half-jokingly, half-seriously wrote an article describing being a PW as being a "Prisoner of War" An older PW commented gently, reminding me of the many privileges of being in the ministry alongside my husband, and I've never forgotten both her encouragement and her "perspective corrective." I also continually remind myself that professions outside the church are equally challenging and often much more so. We need one another - so glad you are in my world.
