Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Are You Pouring Into Others?

I spent the morning at a darling tea shop with a funny name K'Tizo (prounounced Kateazo). 

If you live local please go say hi to Judy and her wonderful staff. 


As I talked with the owner Judy she said something that struck me. She shared how thankful she was for the women who had poured into her life.  These amazing women had discipled her and even allowed her to pick a tea cup from their own private collections. She felt much of who she has become is a direct result of their ministry to her. 

Are you pouring into others?

By Joleen Steel

As Pastor's wives it's easy to think we are constantly pouring our lives into others with our time and energy.

Being busy is not the same as being poured out. 

Depleted perhaps but not poured out. If you are depleted, I'm so sorry. I know what that feels like. It's so very difficult to do ministry when you are depleted. Find ways to refresh your soul. Seek the Lord and pray for hope and for the love of God to fill your heart. Romans 5:5 says these things have already been "poured out within our hearts."

This morning when I added cream to my tea, I over did it and my cup overflowed. I found myself thinking that is what it's like when we allow God to fill us. He doesn't just give us a warm feeling and a pat on the back. He fills  us up to overflowing so we must find another vessel to pour into.

When we are filled up with hope and the love of God, then we are capable of pouring ourselves out into the lives of others. I encourage you to look around you. Ask God who you should intentionally invest in. For me it's the college girls who return every year.  We have a group called Sunday Night Sisters. I and three other women intentionally pour ourselves into these amazing young women. Several of these girls have come to my porch for a chat and and some tea.

I love this clear tea pot at K'Tizo. It reminded me of the beauty of a vessel that is ready to be useful. Once it is full of tea how gorgeous will it be? But the tea must be poured out in order for those around the table to enjoy it. Then this useful vessel will need to be filled again and again and again. Until it is a well loved, well used, precious vessel for it's master.

How about you? Will you allow God to fill you to overflowing so you can pour into others? Will you be that beautiful, useful vessel today? I pray you will dear PW

-Under the same wing, Joleen

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, Joleen - both pictures and prose. And so very true!
