Wednesday, August 27, 2014

There’s no place like home and How to make a ruby sipper!

That’s not a typo. I really am going to teach you how to make a ruby sipper. I found this awesome tea at my local tea shop. If you live local I’ll put all their links at the bottom of this post. Be sure to drop in and tell them I sent you! 

I admit it. I am a rotten house keeper. I’d truly rather sit around sipping tea all day.

The only way, I can keep my house clean is to turn my chores into an all out remodel. 
Anyone who really knows me will tell you my living room never looks the same way twice. I love rearranging furniture!  So, at some point in my domestic life, I figured out that if I rearrange the furniture it forces me to do a thorough vacuuming and dusting. Once I get in this cleaning mode, I often end up doing the other major chores, like cleaning bathrooms and folding laundry.  

I am married to a fastidiously neat man who has over the years learned how to live with me in a gracious and forgiving manner. So glad! Love ya Babe!

Despite my housekeeping challenges, I love my home. As a pastor’s wife, I’ve lived in many houses and I’ve turned every one of them into a home. It’s not enough for me to just unpack boxes. I, like so many of you, strive to create an environment of comfort and peace and ... home.  Here’s a few picts of my favorite places we’ve lived.

See that window to the left of the front door? That’s where I lay curled up in a weeping ball all alone. It was our last day there and I was waiting for the people who’d purchased my beloved grand piano. I’d played and wept over it’s keys for an hour before I could bear it no longer. So, I curled up in a corner near that window and cried and cried for the loss of this darling house and all the memories we’d made there. God saw me and I believe He held me and whispered. “Joleen, this is not your home! I am your home. Where I am and where I go is your home.” 

Sure enough, God moved with me to a new house and then again to a new house with a new ministry. Here is the house we live in right now. It’s not ours. It is a parsonage. 

God has helped me turn this new house into a home. My husband and my boys live in this new home, my tea things are with me, my new beautiful upright grand piano is with me (a story for another time) and most importantly, My God is with me. He is my home. 

You see it doesn’t matter what our address is. Where ever God places us, that is home.  
People come and go. houses come and go. But my home is constant. He is always with me and will never leave me. For as He is my home, I am His. Praise be to God!

So, now that we are home. Let’s put on the kettle and make some of this new tea I found at my local tea shop. It is actually called Ruby Sipper! It’s made out of blood oranges and fruit. It has a very tart, tangy flavor. I actually made it with honey today because my boys both are home with sore throats. They loved it!  So, here’s how I did it. 

You know as well as I that someday we will truly be home. This earth is just a shadow of the beauty of our real home with God. For now, I encourage you to thank God for whatever house you are living in right now. Then I hope you will give that brick and mortar abode up to Christ knowing that it is not truly your home at all.  Thank the Lord for being the one who is your true home. Rest in Him today as you drink your ruby sipper. 

Ah...there’s no place like home! 

Here's my awesome local tea shop! Be sure to drop by their website or their store if you can! 
Here's just a few pictures they let me take today of their beautiful store. 

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