Monday, August 25, 2014

Mining for precious resources: Fulfilling our ministry!

If the enemy can defeat us anywhere as women, it is in our unmet expectations and emotions. How many times have you found yourself saying one of these statements?

“I just can’t do this anymore!”

“I’m so hurt and disillusioned!”

“I feel like I must be crazy!”

Each one of these statements reveals more about ourselves than it does our situation. They reveal our need for God’s healing presence. God alone can renew our tired, hurting, disillusioned hearts.

I know, you know how much I love tea by now. So let me go put on the kettle while you get your bible. It's going to be worthwhile reading for sure! 

There now, I picked out my pink china and some vanilla rooibos tea for us to share. Let's settle in on the porch together, shall we?

Mining for precious resources:  Fulfilling our ministry!

By Joleen Steel

Paul has something to say about suffering to Timothy.  

He doesn’t pat Timothy on the back and say, “Poor dear you’ve been through so much!” He doesn’t give Timothy permission to hang it up and walk away. Instead, Paul commands Timothy to endure and to be diligent and to work hard to fulfill his ministry. 

Check out these verses. 2Timothy 1:8-9/2:1-3/2:15/3:14/4:1-2/4:5.

Psstt! If you have not been following along with our 2 Timothy study, I encourage you to do so. Here's the link:

Is it possible we’ve allowed the work God’s given us to be muddied by our unmet expectations and emotional baggage?

Is it possible we think we can't take it anymore because we refuse to turn into the arms of Christ for the strength to continue? 

Is it possible we are disillusioned because our perspective of what it means to be in ministry is all wrong? 

Finally is it possible we think we are going crazy because we refuse to sit down and listen to the sound words and judgements of our Lord? 

My dear PW's we all need the healing balm of Christ's presence.  

Where will we find it? 

In the silent moments of our mornings spent with the Word of God. In the daily practice of acknowledging His presence.  In the crying out from our pillows to Him at night.  He will meet us! He will strengthen us. 

When God calls his people to do the work of the ministry it is not for our glory or even for our comfort. 

We are much like  miners, called to go deep into the bowels of the earth to scrape and dig and sweat to find a precious resource. The miners are  paid a modest wage for their toil. They are not made wealthy by the work. It’s unlikely they are physically comfortable. No, the work is hard and pays little. Yet, the miners faithfully pursue the precious resources, knowing they will benefit others. 

Salvation is God’s precious resource. Sanctification of the saints is another. As believers in Christ Jesus we are called to mine the precious resources of grace, love, patience, diligence and more for the sake of the cross. 

I love how Paul lavishes love on Timothy while at the same time telling him to work hard, endure suffering and to fulfill his ministry. I hope you feel that from me. My heart beats for you.  My desire is for us to see ourselves as dearly beloved by Christ and then as workmen, or working women if you wish. Whatever, God has called you to do in your role. Do it with conviction and grace. 

Are we crazy for pursuing this life as a pastor’s wife? 

I hope you are crazy for God’s good will and purpose to be fulfilled on this earth. 

I hope you are crazy for God’s people to become all that God intends them for them. 

I am crazy about you dear PW! Here is me giving you a hug! 

So as Paul said to Timothy, I say to you. endure suffering, work hard, fulfill your ministry!

“Yes”, you say, “But how are we to do it?”

You can not in your own strength. You must submit to the heat of God’s hand. Allow him to mold you and teach you. Open the Word. Get in the posture of prayer. Submit to His presence and He will give you power, love and a sound mind.

Under the same wing,Joleen

(Scroll down to read about ironing the wrinkles out of our hearts. I think it will encourage you.)

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