Wednesday, August 20, 2014

PW101: Navigating Change as a Pastor's Wife.

This is my momma! She's navigated change for over 70 years. Her courage and testimony are an inspiration to me. 

Mom loves coffee, so in honor of her we'll make some coffee at my coffee station. Come settle in to this cozy corner with me to hear her story of navigating change.  During her fifty years as a PW, mom moved no less than twenty times, raised four kids and reinvented herself more than once. Yeah, I’d say she knows a thing or two about navigating change. 

Navigating Change

By Doreen Babcock

My husband was a Church Planter. He loved to move into a community and start a church from scratch. He'd knock on doors, 
lead people to Christ, and pray for leaders. Once the church seemed strong enough he would  hand it off. This meant we moved every 2-5 yrs.  

As a young mother with four young children I found it difficult to navigate all the changes a move entailed. New schools, communities, Drs, hairdressers, and yes, new cultural habits, were never easy.  

Sometimes the new "church" began with our family of six and one other family. 

Here we are. Do you think my children adorable? I do.

We met in schools, hotels, houses, wherever we found space.  Only once did we have the comfort of a church building with real pews and class rooms. A real luxury and we weekly counted it a Blessing!

Nothing ever stayed the same for long. Change always came. Sometimes it came quickly, with happy outcomes. Sometimes it came with great pain and at great cost. 

 Are you facing yet another change in your life? 

I'm so sorry. I know it's difficult. 

I know what it's like to face change with little warning, Schedules, cancellations, and emergencies caused my husband to miss events he longed to be part of. You know how that feels, don't you? Here comes the anger, the questions, the bitter thoughts. I remember them well. 

 I discovered a crucial lesson in the midst of my changes. 

I want to share it with you. It may be a life altering idea. 

In the midst of all the change is it possible that
God is changing you?

I know I am not the rough edged farmers daughter I used to be. How did that happen? 
I accepted the difficulties, disappointments and struggles of my every day circumstances as part of God's good purpose for molding me into who He intended me to become. 

I know it's by His grace alone that I am not a bitter old woman. There are some Pastor's wives who chose that path. I've met a few who allowed the pain to rot inside. My dear, please don't go down that thorny, painful path. Instead turn your thoughts to what you were born for. You were born for Christ! You were born to serve the Living God! 

Maybe you feel you were not born to be a Pastor's wife. I disagree. You are Christ's child. He sees you and knows you. He elected you to marry your husband and so he elected you to be your husband's wife. The Pastor's wife. 

Your change may seem like a fiery ordeal. A crucible to hot to endure. But be courageous. Allow it to mold you into a pure and useful vessel.  When the pain becomes to much and you fear bitterness may be taking ahold. I encourage you to do these things: 

 #1. Journal - write it down, cry out to God on the page and then delete it or burn it if you must. But, let it out into the safe, loving arms of God.

 #2. Rely on your husband - he's hurting as well. Turn into his arms and weep together. Mourning for awhile is okay and even expected. 

#3. Open your bible - even if it's pages seem cold and distant. God's still small voice is most often heard in the howling winds of change, listen for it in His ever constant, faithful Word.

This is how you navigate change. This is how you will look back on your life and say, "God has been faithful. Look at what He has done." 

My daughter and I would love to lift you up in prayer and encourage you.  If you don't want to comment on this blog you can friend Joleen Steel on Face Book and ask her to add you to the secret PW101 FB page.  

Blessings to you dear PW. 
Love, Doreen and Joleen

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