Well tomorrow is Sunday. I'm getting ready for guests and ironing my tablecloths and tea cloths. Before I tell you the amazing things God taught me while I ironed, here's a little tutorial on how to achieve the most beautifully fragrant, pressed table cloths and tea towels.
Ironing out the wrinkles in your heart: Finding strength for ministryBy Joleen Steel
Sometimes I feel like the wrinkled up tablecloths and napkins in my linen closet. I know I am meant to be beautiful and useful, but I feel all balled up with the wrinkly cares of life. So, I shrink from the tiresome routines, preferring to draw into the corner. I resist being washed and ironed out of fear. It's likely someone will wipe their mouth on me and wrinkle me up again anyway.
Do you feel the temptation to withdraw from the ministry God has placed before you? Do you just want to run away from the pressure of it all? Do you tire of people wiping their expectations, disappointments and personal agendas on you as if you were their own personal tea towel?
I understand that. My heart hurts for you. I wish I could sit with you and let you pour it all out. I wish I could reach across the table and hold your hand and cry with you and pray with you.
Instead, let me encourage you as The Lord encouraged me this week.
God often speaks to me through the mundane tasks of life. This week I had a decision to make regarding ministry. I felt so torn up about it that I did something I rarely do. I ironed stuff! Truly, I hate ironing!
Because I have guests coming, I needed to iron my tablecloths and tea towels anyway. So, I set to it with determination and began complaining and ranting to God. Some would call this prayer. I call it a conversation.
I told God how tired I was of being used like a tea towel.
He told me he understood.
I shared my pain and fear.
He shared his presence and love.
Then he showed me the wrinkly tea towel in front of me and the iron in my hand. I sprayed the fragrant spray starch and began pressing the hot iron across the beautiful pattern.
In that moment, I saw my need to submit to the heat of God’s touch. I felt Him smoothing out my crinkly attitudes. I sensed the fragrance of His spirit filling my heart. I recalled a verse in Psalm and began speaking the words out loud.
Psalm 51:10 -13
Create in me a clean heart, O God,And renew a steadfast spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from Your presenceAnd do not take Your Holy Spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of Your salvationAnd sustain me with a willing spirit.
Then I will teach transgressors Your ways,And sinners will be converted to You.
Light is shining on my freshly pressed, fragrantly beautiful tea towels. They are ready to be used again. I feel the same. Though, it will not be easy. Mostly likely my efforts will end with God washing out some hurt and ironing a few new wrinkles. But, I am confident that He will renew me and make me useful for His service every time I ask.
Will you submit to the pressure of God’s hand? Will you allow him to iron your crinkly corners and fill you with the fragrance of his love?
If so, let's pray together right now.
Dear God, You see my wrinkly heart. You know my desire to withdraw and hide. I submit my heart to the heat and pressure of your hand. I thank you for the fragrance of your Holy Spirit. Thank you for making me beautiful and useful for you. I praise you for the strength found in you. Help me Lord, to lead and love as you would. - Amen
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