Tuesday, April 5, 2016

6 church people God is calling you to love.

I have an unusual life. I grew up as a PK (pastor's kid) and married a pastor so that makes me a PW (Pastor's Wife).  In my lifetime, I have served or been an active part of twenty different churches. 

20 churches! That's a lot. I had to sit down and take a deep breath over that one. Though, I'd love to launch into a great story about how God used every move to draw me closer to Him, I have a greater mission today. 

My vast experience.... okay, not vast. How about extensive? Well, in my experience, I've noticed a trend. In every church the demographics have a dejavu feeling. There's always that one kid or that one awkward adult or that one family with a bazillion kids.  


Six church people God is calling us to love. 


You know the one. This kid loves to spin around the pole in the foyer and slide down the stair rails. This kid makes noise during the sermon and once you caught him army crawling under the church pews. He said he was picking up pew pencils but he didn't have a single one in his hand.

This is the kid God is calling you to love.

What if you were that adult this kid remembers when he's grown. You could be remembered for your creativity, compassion, joy, or gift of time.

Mark 10:14 "Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." 


Every church has this person. This person interrupts conversation to say hi and seems oblivious to normal social cues. This person asks odd questions in the middle of business meetings. This person makes people slightly uncomfortable.

This is the person God is calling you to love.

What if you were that nice lady, or kind man, this person recalls. You could be loved and adored for your gracious way of greeting, caring and listening.

Ephesians 4:2 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love."


If your church does not have this group. I'm sorry for you. They can be sweethearts. These are the casserole makers, the card senders, the prayer warriors and the cheerleaders of godliness.
This group wants to be your favorite group but sometimes their anxiety over change gets in the way. This is the group that campaigns against small groups and for Sunday School. This is the group that thinks modern worship songs are shallow and redundant. This is the group that believes children ought to be in children's church not the adult worship service. Sometimes this group gets tired and grouchy.

God is calling you to love this group of little old ladies.

Listen to them. Care for them. Learn from them. Let them be the grandmothers and mothers who model sincere faith for you to emulate.

2 Timothy 1:5 "I am reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded now lives in you."


This is the family that fills up at least one full pew length. Their little ones often spill out into the isles or perch on their parents laps. This is the family that no one is brave enough to invite home for lunch. This is the family that has a father who works hard and a mother who works even harder. They are happy but tired. They could actually use a little break. 

This is the family God is calling you to love

A kind word and adult conversation would go a long way to encouraging the mother of this family. A hand on the shoulder and an offer to come help paint the new baby room could brighten the heart of this families father.  Learning all the children's names and saying hello to them randomly in the foyer or hallway would strengthen this families kids. 

1 Peter 3:8 "Finally, all of you, be like minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble." 


This man or woman may not be as lonely or bored as you think. They may have very busy lives. They may actually feel overwhelmed with the level of commitments they've made at work at home and at church. The one thing that is always true of the single man or woman though is their need to belong to the church family. They often feel frustrated by the church's obsession with Families vs. being a family. Sometimes, the single man or woman can be tough to keep. 

God is calling you to love that single man or woman

Invite them for lunch! Especially Sunday lunch. Invite them to your 4th of July Party, Christmas party or summer barbecue.  Encourage them to be part of an inter-generational small group. Give them a hug! Well, assuming they are huggers and you don't feel weird about it. 

Hebrews 10: 14 "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds"


Yeah, you already have her in your mind. You know the one I'm talking about. She's a controller, a gossip, a thorny personality.  What you don't know though is she's also in pain. She's struggling with a private issue. She has no one to talk to and feels like her church is the only thing she can control. So she controls. 

This is the one lady God is calling you to love

Pray for her. Pray God will show you her soft spot; that place where she's reachable. If she snaps at you, scorns you, belittles you; pray for her. Pray for your own heart as well. Allow God to move you to compassion not bitterness. He will. He knows how. 

2 John 1:5 "And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we've had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. "


Maybe all of them. 

I know, I struggle too. 

But God is calling me to love.  Because, just maybe I'm on their list. Maybe I'm that one preacher's wife. I hope not. I strive not to be. But if I am, I hope they will love me anyway. 

1 John 4:12 "No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us."

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