Saturday, March 26, 2016

Inspire Bible John 3:16

So many of us know and understand John 3:16 

but what about verse eight? 

In John 3:8 Jesus tells Nicodemus,  "The wind blows wherever it wants. You can hear it but you can't tell where it comes from. So you can't explain how people are born of the Spirit." 

I'm not launching into a full on Bible lesson here. But, I do think verse eight is worth a little attention. After all it is only a few verses away from the most known and recited verse of the modern Christian age. 

I think it's perfect! I mean Jesus giving his life by dying on a cross is so concrete compared to the idea of being born of the Spirit. Yet, being born of the Spirit is an integral part of Christ's sacrifice. He died so that we might be saved, be born of the Spirit and brought to God.

So when I designed my page for my Inspire Bible I thought of dandelions blowing in the wind to stand in juxtaposition to the firm strong image of the cross.  

Note: I used double sided tape and cotton for the dandelions. I also added a picture of water since verse 22 speaks of John The Baptist. 

So we as believers stand firm in Christ Jesus with the wind of His Spirit blowing through our lives. I just love this! It's worth pondering further, don't you think? 

Join our bible study in Philippians: Count it all joy. You'll find more creative ideas for the Inspire Bible and encouragement to count everything JOY for the sake of Christ. 


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