Wednesday, April 13, 2016

5 Inspire Bible Ideas

Congratulations to our Inspire Bible give away winner: Rachel Reamer and our runner up DeAnna Hill. Now  let's open up our Bibles together and study! Here's a post to get us started. 

The Bible
God's Word 2 Timothy 3:16
The Truth John 17:17

The Inspire Bible, like all Bibles,  is God's Word. It holds the truth of how we are to live. 
It teaches us, trains us, encourages us and equips us. 
This is why we love the Word of God.

The Inspire Bible offers you and I the opportunity to engage with scripture in a unique, meaningful way. I want to encourage you to consider these five ways to use your Inspire Bible. 

 You can share your ideas and thoughts on our FB page 
or comment below! I'd especially love to see what you create as a result of your time with the Lord. 

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