Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Pastors wife got GAINS!

So, if you are following our Philippians study you know about my eldest son. He's changed his body shape and health since choosing to do the heavy lifting necessary for physical gains. I'm in awe of his ability to stay the course. He even pays for a week at the gym when he comes home, in order not to loose what he's already achieved.

Imagine if we all took such a few of our health. I'm inspired to make some changes because of my sons example. 

Jon and Aimee a year or so ago.
& now!

But this post is about more than physical gains. Did you know there's an actual bible verse that talks about this? Yup, it's found in 1 Timothy 4:8

"For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." 1 Timothy 4:8

In Philippians 3 Paul teaches us about the value of spiritual gains.
He sounds like he could fit right in with today's urban lingo when he says, 

"Whatever were gains to me I think of as garbage 
when I put them next to the gains of knowing Christ."  (my translation)

So what are these gains? 

3:9 I am no longer lost but found. 

This means I belong to God. I'm no longer doing this life on my own. I don't have to wonder if anyone loves me. God loves me! He's found me! When I acknowledge Jesus as my Lord and Savior I am home!

3:10  I become like Christ

Becoming like Christ means I will experience resurrection. That is awesome! Eternal life. Meeting him in the clouds. Secure and safe forever. Gains!

3:13 I have something to look forward to

"Forgetting what's behind and straining towards what's ahead."  
And what is ahead?
3;14 The prize, the present, the greatest gift you can imagine. Heaven. Look to vs. 20 to know more about Heaven. 

This is me. I could afford to work harder on my physical gains but I already have some amazing Spiritual gains under my belt. How about you? Do you got gains? If not, what's holding you back? If so, rejoice in the Lord! 

-under the same wing

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