Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Why We Do This: Part I - The Town Tramp

If you are in a season of ministry filled with blessings and joy, I encourage you to journal about it. Looking back on the good things God has done is a wonderful way to find strength in those seasons that are not so easy. 

My mom, Pastors Wife for over 40 years, has some stories to tell. They are all true and so good that I’ve turned them into three parts. Her stories illustrate why we do this thing called ministry. Here’s my mom’s first story:

The Town Tramp 
By Doreen Babcock

Everyone knew the town tramp. The deep pockets of his oversized coat held empty liquor bottles. He collected them for the recycling money. Truly, he rarely drank. But he did love his pipe.

Each Sunday, he knocked the tobacco out of his pipe and laid it carefully on the ledge by the back door of the church. Most of the time he left his liquor bottles there as well. Except for the Sunday when one fell out of his pocket and rolled to the front of the church while my husband, Eldon, preached. Eldon picked up the bottle and set it out of sight and just kept right on preaching. At the end of the service he gave it back to it’s owner with no scolding. The tramp came back every Sunday after that. 

Our church had grown and was bursting at the seams with new believers.  Rich and poor alike worshiped side by side. At the time, It seemed like a little piece of heaven in full view.

I will never forget the Sunday God revealed to us exactly what it meant to BE the Church. My husband stood and delivered a call to respond to the Gospel. The altar railings fairly shook with joy as people came forward.  One couple dressed in expensive, clothing knelt together and prayed and wept. The sound of the Tramp coming up the aisle caused them to stop. Realizing the altar was almost full, they moved aside and motioned for the tramp to kneel between them. 

My heart burst with joy as I watched this beautiful display of God’s kingdom. The tramp now has a new name written down in glory!

The End

And this, my dear PW’s is why we do this thing called ministry! Transformed Souls!

What’s your story? What keeps you going? Why on earth do you do this? Journal about it. Share it with a friend. If you’d like you could email us at We’d love to hear from you.

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