Monday, October 6, 2014

Pastor's Appreciation Month is here are you ready?

Maybe you saw the title of this post and thought, "Oh yeah! Bring on the gifts and appreciation!"  Maybe you thought, "Ha! nobody even does that anymore!"  Well read on! I think you'll be encouraged.

Someone asked me the other day, “What’s the best gift you’ve ever received for Pastor’s appreciation month?” I don’t mean we received them, but that’s the sound of my answer.  I really couldn’t think of anything.  Not that we’ve never received gifts. I just don’t think they coincided with October. 

We loved the July gift someone gave of us of their time share. Our kids still bring up the good memories of that week. 

Oh and the January gift of a ski lodge weekend. My hubby still moans over the humiliation of that snow board incident. 

We’ve received butter braids and gift cards and local passes to parks. We’ve received a quilt with dear messages written on each square, and a Gold framed picture of an old fashioned sewing that one!  Sunday morning's I often receive hugs and plenty of love. Darling friends have left baskets of goodies on our doorstep when we were sick. 
Yeah, I could say we feel gifted and appreciated.

So, why is that when October comes around we feel a bit miffed when nothing more than a card arrives in the mail?  I believe it’s because we’ve lost sight of our purpose.  And why do we turn up our noses at the card when that could be the very person God has helped us to impact the most this year. That card could represent a huge sacrifice of humility or time or matter how small. 
I’m lecturing myself here as well as you dear one. I have been known to be prett -tty grouchy about the apparent lack of appreciation October brings.  I hang my head in shame over my attitude.

Mark this: We did not enter ministry to be appreciated by man but approved by God. We are servants who’s purpose is to glorify the master. We are shepherds who’s job it is to protect and love the sheep. We are soldiers dedicated to digging into the trenches or to marching into battle, knowing we might get dirty and wounded and it all might end in complete chaos. But, will God be glorified in our obedience? You betcha!

Does a soldier expect a butter braid bread at the end of a hard days work? 
Does a shepherd expect his sheep to send him off on a week long vacation? 

Of course, we are grateful when people appreciate us. To expect it and even to demand it in our spirits? That is the day we are clearly off track. 

So, this pastor’s appreciation month, I challenge you to dig in to the Word of God. I implore you to care more deeply for the people in your congregation. Do not expect a thing in return other than the approval of God. I commit myself to this task as well. 

Oh my! I think this calls for a spot of tea. Come, let’s sit down and ask the Lord to give us renewed focus and purpose.

 Let’s seek God’s approval for our attitudes and actions today.  He knowns our names. He sees our hearts. Let’s rest our heads on his shoulder, close our eyes and feel the autumn breeze touch our face. May the Lord’s very presence fill you with peace today. I am so glad, sister to be here with you on this lovely October day. I feel so ready for this month now. How about you?  Yes? Good. 

I am so glad we are...

Under the same wing.



  1. Excellent post, Joleen. I'll admit to feeling a bit disappointed when the month passes and nothing arrives other than (possibly) a couple of cards from elderly women. And then I realize that the problem is with my expectations, not the congregation's lack of response. How are they to even be aware of the month unless they browse a Christian bookstore and happen to notice a rack of greeting cards? I love your sheep/shepherd metaphor - it puts it all into perspective. Well done sister!

    1. Yes, I am feeling great about this month now that my expectations are in the right place. Thanks Maggie for your encouragement and faithfulness in ministry. - under the same wing, Joleen
