Monday, August 18, 2014

Post #5:

How to navigate the first six months at your new church: PART II

So, we left off last time at month three. I hope things have been going well for you. I’ve saved you a spot on my porch. Come sit and talk with me for a bit. 

Month Four: Open Heart, Closed Mouth

The two most important words ever shared with me are on a post-it note in the front of my bible. They are, Shut Up.  I know! Harsh, right? I could have changed them to, “Be Still” or even “Be Quiet”.  Nope, I need these two words most often. 
 Shut Up!
I am a talker, a peace maker and highly emotional. Because of this I tend to fix things by talking and over sharing. Those two little words have frequently kept me out of trouble. Shut up means close your mouth, be quiet, don’t say anything. You will find many opportunities in the next few months to practice this. Don’t get me wrong, I think there are plenty of times we ought to speak up.
I’ve found that shutting up before I speak up is an excellent policy.  Keeping my mouth shut allows my ears to listen and my heart to hear from God. 
So, as you begin your fourth month in ministry, my greatest advice to you is speak little, listen much. There, kind of me to say it that way. Aye? 

Okay so Month Five: Open heart/Open house

Psalm 31: 24
Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord.
Yes, it’s time for an open house of 
some sort. I say, “of some sort” so you won’t freak out and think you have to invite all 200-500 or even 2000
church people to your home. 
Only once did I plan an official open house and invite the church; it was a very small church. Most of the time opportunities present themselves.
Once, I hosted a women’s tea.
Another time, a leadership team meeting…with food!,
Then a worship team practice at my house. 
I’ve even hosted a pintrest party!
Psst, I will do a follow-up post regarding serving food for large groups. It’s easier than you think.
Whatever you do, do it with an open heart. God may have someone in mind for you to meet through this first official opening of your home. It’s not just about serving, it’s also about getting to know the people. Of course, I would add that you should continue being a good listener and avoid over sharing details about yourself.  If necessary make yourself a list of good questions to ask.

Month Six: Open heart/Open Bible

Well, you’ve done it! You’ve navigated these first five months. I’m sure you’ve made a few mistakes along the way. Don’t beat yourself up. Rely on Christ to set things right and to guide you on your way.
So here you are in month six. If you’ve not joined the women’s ministry team or volunteered in the nursery or agreed to play the piano, it’s okay. Really! I know you may feel internal or external pressure about these things. However, there’s something more important that must be settled.
 Are you opening your bible? 
Not because you are in ministry, but because you are a child of the King and want to hear from and follow Him.  Does The Word of God hold sway in your life? Do you allow it to speak truth, calm fear, and shed light into your darkness? If you are trying to do this ministry thing on the fumes of past mountain top experiences, then you may already feel parched, disillusioned, and afraid.
Open up the book of life. Your soul needs the refreshment.
I know you are busy, but you can’t afford not to pray. Your heart can’t do this alone.  Rely on the Giver of truth to set you free to love the people of your church. Ask the King to pour into you so that you might pour out his love onto others. Fall before the feet of your Abba Father and feel his loving arms lift you up and stand you on your feet and turn you once again to do His good will.
The journey ahead is filled with both joy and danger. You are not alone.
I have walked the path of the ministers wife. I know the pain and the frustration. But, I also know the joy of serving the ONE who OPENS HEARTS and heals people. So, first, take the hand of God He will help you.
Then, let us know how we can pray for you. My mom and I are here to stand with you.  For we are all…
Under The Same Wing!
Love, Joleen and Doreen

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