Monday, January 12, 2015

PW101: Is your cup empty?

Is your cup empty? Are you feeling drained or even broken? 

I want to invite you to enter into a bible study with me in Philippians. I've found studying the Word of God brings not only healing, but clearer thinking and right perspectives. 

If you've been around this blog for awhile you already know how much I love tea. Tea is nice but only if one drinks it from a beautiful china cup. Otherwise it's simply a beverage. 

 One of my dear friends gave me this gorgeous tea cup for Christmas. 

I promptly made a pot of tea and poured it into my newest treasure. Of course every time my cup emptied, I filled it back up, marveling at it's beauty. I'm not afraid to tell you that I drank most of a pot of tea all on my own that day! I just couldn't stop filling up the cup and emptying it of it's warm, golden deliciousness.

My pretty cup made me wonder if this is how God sees me. Is it possible that instead of an old crumbling pot he sees a beautiful vessel, of His own making, that he can't wait to fill with his Spirit?

Instead of a draining my reserves I wondered if being poured out couldn't be more like an outflow of God's warmth and goodness into the lives of others.

Have you ever thought of yourself that way? Tough isn't it. Sometimes the brutal reality of life hits hard and we crumble to the ground. This is not a moment when we think of ourselves as a beautiful, useful china cup. We honestly just feel like cracked, broken pots needing to be put back together. If this is you, I am sorry. I grieve for and with you in your pain. I've been through the darkness of betrayal and the bitterness of lost hopes and broken dreams. My dear one, I pray you will turn into Jesus's arms right now and let him hold you and care for you.  Because, though you feel broken I can assure you God can put the pieces back together. There will be a day when you can see the beauty of your life in Christ once more.

But, If I may give a warning. Don't allow the enemy of our souls to convince you to think of yourself as broken beyond repair or drained with no hope of nourishment to replenish you.  That is a lie. In Christ you can stand and be the beautiful vessel He has created you to be. Our wounds need not render us useless or unfruitful. Instead they can be the very things that increase our beauty and reliance on Christ.

Regardless of where you are, I want to encourage you to think of yourself as a beautiful cup filled with the golden warmth of God. When you serve others this week, I pray you will not think about being drained, but rather as giving of the warmth and goodness that has been given to you.

This is why we must study the Word of God. Here is our life giving strength. Here is where we allow God the delight of filling us up so that His sweetness can be poured out onto others around us.

So join me as we delve into the life of Paul and figure out how he remained warm and kind in the midst of pain and betrayal. How did He count it all joy? Go to the tab at the top of the page to get started. 

Under the same wing,

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