Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Scripture journal DIY

I don't always have time for a lengthy bible study and bible journaling activity. So, I started thinking about how I could keep the words of truth close to me throughout the day. When I saw these itty bitty composition books at Walgreens for .87, the idea hit me. A mini scripture journal!
 This little book will be perfect to carry with me. I can meditate on my favorite scripture verses whenever I want. Like today, I was substitute teaching second grade. When the kiddos were at music, I totally could have used this to sit and think on the promises of God. 

 I even gave it a little back pocket for extra pieces of paper. This way if a scripture comes my way I can write it down and save it till I'm ready to put it in the journal.

to make your own scripture journal you will need a 4.5 x 3.25 compostion note book. I found mine at Walgreens in the school section. 
You will also need: 
washy tape
glue stick
pretty paper

There's a few steps ahead so I will try to keep them brief. Feel free to ask questions at the end if you want. 

Pull a piece of paper out of your book to use as a template.

Trace the page onto the pretty paper you've chosen.

Cut out at least 20 pages fit to size of composition book.

For the cover: tape the left outside edge down with your favorite washy tape.

Use a glue stick to glue your cover down. 

Now pull out about half of the pages in the book. There's just to many for you to use and the book will be to bulky. Be sure to pull from various places in the book or you'll weaken the binding. 

Go ahead and strengthen the places you removed pages from with a little washy tape. 

 Now to make the back pocket: use washy tape to secure two of your fancypaper pieces to the last page and inside back cover of your book. 

Glue the pages down.

Take a piece of paper that is a bit bigger than your book. I just used a full piece from my fancy packet of paper. It's about 6x7.  Use the back cover to fold your paper to the right size. Do NOT glue it down.

Now cut a V in the top of this paper.

This took me a couple of tries but the best way is to open up your folds, line up the pocket with the inside of your back cover and then fold your papers around the outside of the cover. 

I felt the edges were sticking out a bit. So I snipped them down.

Now cover the back with another piece of fancy paper. Glue it down right over top of the folded pocket pages. Then add some washy tape to the spine to make it look clean and nice. 

Open up your book and there's your pocket!

So the last step is to just add your pages to the inside of the book. I just glued my fancy papers right over the existing lined paper and then added washy tape to the center of each page to make sure everything stayed secure and tight. 

Here's some pictures of the first book I did. 

 Your finished book will pop open so if you want it to stay closed you could use a fancy rubber band or piece of ribbon to tie it. I like mine open so I can see the verses I've written in it. 

Enjoy and may the Word of God fill your heart with encouragement, joy and strength for the journey!

-under the same wing,

What scripture would you put in this journal? I'd love to know. 
Share with us in the comments below.