Saturday, February 27, 2016

Are you preparing your heart for Sunday?

It's Saturday. Are you preparing your heart for Sunday? 
Are you worried about Sunday morning drama? 
Are you anxious about facing that certain someone in the foyer? 
Are you afraid you won't measure up to those sitting next to you in the pew?

This ONE THING is all you need.

Trust in the Lord when the drama descends.
Trust in the Lord when that friend approaches you in the foyer.
Trust in the Lord for courage, wisdom, grace and joy! 

He really can help you get through Sunday. Actually God can do more than get you through. God can fill your heart with Joy and Love for the people around you. Won't you stop right now and prepare your heart for Sunday?

I love you all so much! I'm so glad we are ...

... Under the same wing!

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