Tea brings out the best in me.
It's color, flavor and aroma draw me into a world of
flowers, pressed tablecloths, gleaming tea spoons and polished silver.
When friends come over for tea, I find myself thinking about how to make them feel special and comfortable. Little things like decorating the table and plumping up cushions on the settee become important.
Recently I've had several older ladies over for tea. We are planning a quilting project for our women's ministry next year. If you have had any experience making a friendship quilt or group quilt, I'd sure love your input. I'll be posting pictures and ideas regarding our quilt as the year goes on.
But, back to the tea and friends bit! This is why I think tea brings friends together:
#1. Tea often requires SHARING.
We share the pot of tea, we share the sugar and creamer and yes, we share what's going on in our lives.
#2. Tea brings out our best MANNERS.
I am sure I sit up straighter, use correct grammar and think more about my table etiquette when I drink tea. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for relaxing and propping ones feet up on a nearby chair. But, there's something to be said for behaving in a more civilized, proper manner once in awhile.
#3. Tea demonstrates, LOVE & HOSPITALITY
When I bring out my fine china or best silver for a friend who's just stopped by, I believe they feel special, loved and cared for. This is the best thing about TEA!

So how about you? How does tea bring you and your friends together? Not sure? Give it a try the next time a friend stops by and just see if it doesn't do a little miracle!
-Under the same wing,
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