Thursday, February 5, 2015

Is my pastor's wife a christian?

Snow and tea, they don't really go together do they?
Unless of course you are drinking a warm pot of tea on a snowy day.  But no one would ever ask you, "Would you like some snow with your tea?" 

I wonder how God feels when we allow such juxtapositions in our lives?

Here's something that doesn't seem to go together. A pastor's wife who is not a christian. It's almost impossible to believe. Yet, it happens.

If you are one of my dear pastor's wives following this blog, stick with me okay. Perhaps you are a true Christ follower, but you may have a fellow staff wife who needs you to ask these very important questions.

Have you received Christ as your personal savior? Do you recall when it happened? Are you any different because of it?

When you arrive at church on Sunday mornings are you like these cups? Beautiful, but filled with icy cold anger, bitterness and strife?

or are you filled with the warmth and grace of the Holy Spirit?

Are you overwhelmed with anger, bitterness, hatred, malice, or self- loathing? These are all part of our old nature. If you've prayed to receive Christ you may still be tempted by these things but they ought not control you any longer. Now, I'm not saying to doubt your salvation if you struggle. I'm simple saying, as a Christ follower you have hope and strength. If you feel no hope and can't recall a time you asked the Lord to be the leader of your life then perhaps it is time.

The bible tells us that when we are saved we are a new creation (2 Cor 5:17), we are no longer slaves to sin (Romans 6:6) and we are marked with a seal of the Holy Spirit. (Ephesians 1;13, 14)

The scripture says nothing about being married into salvation. You husbands walk will not guarantee your own. Your family history of church going does not save you, any more than going to the grocery store weekly makes you a pineapple.

In order to truly know Christ you must come to a cross roads where you declare you are a sinner, confess your need of Christ and believe on Him alone to save you.  There's no short cut to faith. No way around it. You must believe in Christ alone. Have you? Will you now?

Here's a website with a video I created to explain salvation clearly. There is a prayer at the end of the video. Regardless of your husbands position or how long you've gone to church, you can pray that prayer. You can be sure. You can be transformed.

Go watch the bead story here:

I long to know we are ...
- under the same wing,

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