Sunday, December 20, 2015

How making soap "saved" me

How making soap "saved" me

Honestly, I've been feeling a little low emotionally and spiritually lately. In the past six months, I've started and quit three jobs.  As a result, I've been holding a little pity part for myself. No one else invited!  Frankly, I've been tempted to roll up in a ball on my couch and never attempt a "real" job again.  

Thankfully, I have a supportive husband and family who believe I am incredible and frequently tell me so.  They are so great!

It's also a blessing to know and be known by our great God who constantly encourages me and leads me to do things, I never thought I'd do. Things, like soap making!

A week after I quit my third job, oh that still hurts to say, I was lying on my couch crying and feeling sorry for myself when my sister-in law posted something on FB about the craft I'd created at Thanksgiving. Here's what we did:

Anyway, she was saying nice things about my creative prowess and encouraging me to think of some craft to teach them all at Christmas. 

So, I pondered her words and poked around Pintrest a bit, okay ALOT.
Aha! Soap making. Let's learn to make soap!

So, I've been experimenting with the cold process method for a few weeks. here's what my first batch looked like! not bad. 

So how did making soap save me? 

I've learned three lessons about soap:

#1.  Making Soap Stinks! 

When you put the lye into the water you have to actually wear protective eyewear and stand back or the fumes will gag you.  It's also dangerous as it could explode if you don't do it right. Here's my nervous self stirring my first batch of lye. You can hear me start to gag at one point.

#2. Making Soap takes time

The cold process of soap requires it to sit and "cure" for four weeks. 
FOUR WEEKS! That's tough for a person who likes to see results right away.

This soap is only two weeks old! I have to wait two more weeks!

#3. Making Soap is worth the effort

The joy of using that first bar of homemade soap is so great. Everything from the fragrance to the clean feeling made me grin from ear to ear.  Not to mention the joy of giving it away to people I love! 
Here's a sign and soap I made to give to my fellow PW, Maggie Rowe

So this does not answer the question of how soap saved me does it? Okay, the three lessons about soap are also three spiritual lessons for me personally. 

#1. Sometimes Life Stinks!

My job fiasco may not be a traumatic loss but it still stinks. I hate feeling like a failure and wondering what my friends and family and church friends think knowing I've not stayed at one job for more than two months. Explaining all the details is so exhausting, so I stopped even trying.  I just acknowledge that the whole thing stunk big time and I'm ready to stop feeling sorry for myself.  See those bible verses on the boards above! They are sticking with me as I move on.  I will be strong and courageous because I know the Lord my God is with me. I will rejoice in the Lord always and I will stand up and say, It is well with my soul!  Yup, life stinks but if you want to make, I mean progress, you have to keep moving on. 


Becoming the person God wants me to be takes time.

I long to be this awesome woman of God that points others to Christ. Yet, I really would rather life just be really fun and easy all the time. I also want to be fully grown up spiritually. Now that I'm almost fifty years old, I really think it's about time I became the spiritual giant I always wanted to be. Nope! I'm just a raw, messed up lady striving after Christ. I do believe I am older and wiser than I was in my twenties.  I also believe, like my soap, that I have a stronger fragrance of Christ in me with each passing day. I guess, I'm okay with this process after all.


Growing up in Christ is worth the effort.

Yeah, it does take effort to grow. Perseverance and courage don't come easy to most of us, especially when finances or health, or crucial relationships are in jeopardy.  I am discovering, however, that just as my soaps are an amazing one of a kind gift to give away, my joy and love for Christ is a wonderful gift to share with others. It's the best gift and it's worth the time and effort it takes to fully understand it.

So that's how making soap saved me. Of course it's Christ teaching me as I made soap that saved me.  I'm so glad He did. Though, I still am jobless, I am exhibiting the fragrance of Christ as I trust in his provision and believe that He has the best plan for me. 

How about you? Will you trust in God's plan to take you through some stinky times in order to bring out the best of Him in you? I pray you will persevere and have courage.

If you are interested in learning how these soaps continue to be a blessing go to our brand spankin new website!

Visit Pastorswife101's profile on Pinterest.