Saturday, April 25, 2015

Sunshine & Sunday School Songs

Sunday School songs 
Bring back innocent memories.
My best Sunday dress and tiny white shoes.
Rows of little wooden chairs in a sunny room
Me, clapping my chubby toddler hands and singing with joy!

The value of these childhood songs increase with every passing year. 
When I am sad, I remember "I've got the joy, joy, joy, joy down in my heart."
When I am lonely I recall,  "Jesus love me this I know, for the bible tells me so."
When I need peace, I can sing, "I've got peace like a river, I've got peace like a river. I've got peace like a river in my soul."
When I am afraid,  the song "Heavenly Sunshine, heavenly sunshine flooding my soul with glory divine." comes to mind. 

So, I teach these songs to my children. I sing in the car, I sing when I do my house hold chores, I remind my children through song that Jesus loves them and that if they are happy and they know it they can clap their hands. Of course my boys are older now and often roll their eyes and say, "Mom!" But, I am not surprised when I hear them humming those same tunes.

So how about you? Do you know some songs from your Childhood days in Sunday school? If not, Here's a few websites for you to visit. Just hit the MP3 version and take a listen, You'll be glad you did!